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"Limpia" With Medicinal Herbal Alcohol To Purify Your Physical And Emotional Body


This healing with medicinal herbs is a very old practice, which occupies a prominent place in the traditional medicine of the Mesoamerican peoples. They are the so-called “limpias" or “cleansing".

During this ritual, the person is "cleansed" energetically, freeing them from mental blocks, emotional trauma, negative behavior patterns, and physical pain, using for this purpose various types of medicinal herbs such as rue, basil, peppermint, and rosemary, that combined with alcohol are used for rubs or scrubs on the physical body of the person.

The medicinal herbal alcohol that we use, is a natural preparation for topical use that takes advantage of the anti-inflammatory extracts of some plants to calm joint pain. It is a mild formula that provides essential nutrients to stimulate the passage of blood in painful areas and, thus, reduce the symptoms that afflict them.


In addition to using herbal alcohol, we will smoke your whole body with olíbano, which is an aromatic resin obtained from trees of the Boswellia genus, and has been used for 6,000 years as a perfume and panacea. Burning this incense around you will help you purify and eliminate negativities, balance your emotions and improve your mood, so you can achieve greater inner peace.

Below we share all the benefits that you will get by receiving a "cleansing" and "scrub of herbal alcohol":

  • Its application through massage helps tone the blood capillaries, avoiding circulation disorders or edema.

  • It has emollient effects that control swelling, favoring the movement of the rigid joint

  • Stimulates the functions of the lymphatic system, optimizing the elimination of toxins that usually cause inflammatory imbalances

  • It acts positively against disorders such as phlebitis, varicose veins and thrombosis.

  • Relaxes stiff muscles and helps improve cell oxygenation process to speed recovery of injured or inflamed joints

  • It is a good complement for the relief of chronic conditions such as arthritis and bone diseases.

  • Its use relaxes tired legs and optimizes blood flow in the lower body area.

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