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Spiritual Healing To Clean And Align The Seven Chakras In Your Body “Chumpis” 


The "Q'eros" are known as the guardians of the Wisdom of the Andes. They are a Quechua community in the province of Paucartambo, in Cusco, Peru. It is said that they are the last indigenous Incas "Ayllu Inca", who for millennia have made offerings and ceremonies "Ayllu Despacho" to thank Mother Earth "Pachamama", the Spirits of the Mountains "Apus" and the Spirits of the Lagunas "Ñustas", for all the benefits and abundance that they offer us through their fruits. These ceremonies also cultivate an mutual relationship of respect and of exchange with the spiritual world of nature.

To carry out this communication with the spirits of nature and the cosmos, the “Q'eros” priests perform an “Ayllu Despacho” which is the maximum offering to feed the “Apus” and the “Pachamama”. In their ritual fabrics with sacred geometry "Misa" they place a variety of elements of the animal, plant, and mineral kingdom to form a ritual banquet of food, drink, gifts, flowers and auspicious symbols. The offering must be beautiful, harmonious and colorful like a Mandala. The strength of the "Ayllu Despacho" depends on the officiant’s ability to invoke these powers. Anyone can do them, but not everyone is successful.

The offering "Ayllu Despacho" is made with an intention: a request for health, prosperity, blessing, liberation from energy ties, attracting a new relationship, opening a business, buying a house, or as an empowerment that enhances our connection with a certain form of living energy in nature.

The "Ayllu Despacho" is an exchange of energies in the universe. It is a payment of giving and receiving - a cosmic reciprocity "Ayni". If we offer it with love, beauty and authenticity, we will receive the same but to a greater degree.

The Q’eros maintain that the human body has Seven Energy Centers, known as "Ñahuis" eyes. Each "Ñahui" represents an animal and cosmic power: Snake, Puma, Hummingbird, Condor, Moon, Star, Sun. For the wise Grandmothers and Elders "Amautas" of the Andes, they are not wheels or discs called chakras, but balance points surrounded by bands or ribbons named “Chumpis”. These belts or bands surround the body as hugs, as if they were living tissues, vibrant bands. The body is a deep tissue that is unwoven, it suffers breakage or wear and to which we must know how to darn, embroider, spin, weave, and braid.

In this Spiritual Healing To Clean And Align The Seven Chakras In Your Body “Chumpis”, through the invocation and intervention of the Spirit of the Sacred Stones "Chumpis", the energy belts will be awakened so they can be cleaned, unblock, woven, alignment and restored to balance. The “Chupis” will balance your energy centers and re-weave the energy strips of harmony and protection, thus restoring the imbalance between heavy and fine energies in your physical, mental, and spiritual body. This is a deep process of spiritual healing, following the knowledge of the ancestral Q’ero medicine in the Andean mountains of Peru.

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